Sunday, July 1, 2007

Mamafu's in Kunming

My mom joined me in BJ last night and we, together with Michelle and her dad, went to dinner on the east side of town. This morning we got up at six to catch our 8:20 AM flight to Kunming. We got here around 11 AM and checked into our hotel, which is so quaint and tidy with its little courtyard and calm decor. Our room is small but very comfortable. It's amazing how much one can fit into a small space when one thinks outside the box. The whole bathroom fits snugly into a corner of a the room; no space is left to waste at all. I'll have some pictures up next time.

We lazied our afternoon away, going first to a local park called 黑龙潭 or Black Dragon Pool (cool name right?). There wasn't much to see that we hadn't seen before in China but it was very nicely wooded and not crowded at all. For that reason and because it was so warm and sunny today, I was able to take some great pictures of the old Chinese-style buildings. I really like the not-yet refurnished/restored ancient buildings (unlike at Gu Gong, the Forbidden Palace) because they're more authentic, more real. But I know if they were to not restore the old buildings now, it would soon be too late and the old beauty would be completely lost. I'll put up my pictures tomorrow when I remember to bring my camera cables to the internet cafe.

We had great food today, the famed local Crossing-Bridge Noodles which has a very interesting story behind its name. Supposedly, once upon a time a man hid away on an island in the middle of a huge lake to study for an examination. His wonderful wife brought him lunch everyday by crossing the long bridge to the island, but was upset that the food she brought him was cold by the time she got across the bridge. Then one day she discovered that the chicken soup she brought over was kept hot by the thin layer of oil on top and could fully cook thin slices of meat dropped into it (like Hot Pot). Thus, the noodle dish was born and the name created to go with it.

Good story.
Time for bed.
Pictures tomorrow.

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