Sunday, June 20, 2010


Crêpe numéro 6. Chocolate and "noix de coco" - Another one of those times when I didn't find out what was actually going into my crepe until they had already made it. Noix de coco, as gorgeous and figurative as it sounds (we were trying to figure out if it was chocolate covered walnuts maybe, or cocoa beans, or what) is just the French for coconut. Who woulda thought that "nut of coco" would mean coconut. I mean, it was obviously completely beyond me to make that connection. Anyways, despite the fact that I don't really care for shredded coconut at all, this was a DELICIOUS crepe. Somehow, it was just a bit thicker and fluffier than any other crepe I had had so far, and the Nutella spread thickly inside was pure heaven. Those two elements combined made up for the coconut completely. Pretty sure I'm going back to the little stand tomorrow to get another, this time maybe just Nutella, or maybe Nutella banane. Mmmm. Location: Tiny roadside stand near school.
7. Andouillette and Chèvre cheese - I have got to stop ordering things I know nothing about. I asked the nice waiter what andouillette is, and he said something about pork insides and being interesting and I might not like it - but I would have none of that! Andouillette it was, and only the French recommended Chévre (goat) cheese sauce to go with it! I'd classify this crêpe experience just above the Grand Marnier one - once is enough, but at least I was able to finish the whole thing this time. And really, once I got over the chewiness of the pork intestines (yes it was definitely just intestine), the flavor really wasn't all that bad. Strong yes. Pungent yes. But not bad. Still, I think I'll let this combination stay on the menu for the time being, until I work up the courage to try it again. Ya win some ya lose some in this game of Food Fortune, but luckily, I win much more than I lose, and no matter what, its still gourmet food I'm eating - can anyone really lose? (Unnecessary answer to clichéd rhetorical question: NO) Location: Tours! heart of the land of chateaux, adorable ma/pa café/crêperie.
8. Beurre Sucre (Butter and Sugar) - After the riskiness of the first crepe of this meal (same cafe in Tours) I decided safely simple was probably the best way to go for dessert. Beurre sucre was that and so much more. Who would think two so ordinary things together could be SO AMAZING?? (I definitely didn't.) This baby was perfectly rich and light, sweet with a hint of salt from the butter, in a word, amazing. Definitely a staple for a reason. In all honesty, I think it might be a toss up between this one and the Nutella/banana one I am going to get tomorrow. Or maybe I'll be both. Enticing idea, will ponder, perhaps with another crepe in hand as food for thought. (Feel free to not laugh at that last one, its late and I realize what sounds passing funny in my head right now probably will not seem so at all to any sane reader of this blog, if any even exist.) Location: Tours, same adorbs cafe.

Three crepes, three days - I'd say it was a great weekend. The chateaux were amazing too, I found what might be my dream wedding location (post pictures later) and had way too much fun nerding it out at Leonard Da Vinci's house, looking at all of his awesome inventions.

But its late, and I am pooped. I will update again tomorrow, which happens to be the Festival of Music!! Music all day and music all night - I am very very excited. Until then, bon nuit!

P.S. I recently found out that I have been putting the wrong accent on crêpe this whole time - thank you for the good catch (you know who you are), I have gone through and fixed all my mistakes (there were a lot). How embarassing, but thank you!!

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