Monday, June 14, 2010

One Week in Paris AKA Picture Time!

Since I was already posting up pictures of Sacre-Coeur, I figured I would go ahead and put up a few more from my first week. Enjoy!

First off, of course, la Tour Eiffel. How could I not? I actually stumbled across the tower without meaning to (yes, I know, that sounds absurd, its only the most well-known, iconic emblem of Paris). I was on my way to rue Cler for a taste of typical Parisian market life last weekend, when I took a wrong turn, turned a corner, and literally stumbled into view of the tower. My first thought? OH hey, its the Eiffel Tower! (....yeah...I know...absurd)

Speaking of absurd, we watched the Absurdist play La Cantatrice Chauve (The Bald Soprano) last week after reading it in class. The play was, in a word, absurd. Absolutely absurd. Pure nonsense, really. I couldn't make heads or tails of it. But apparently, according to my host father, that's exactly the point. Fancy that.

Next up: Notre-Dame, famed cathedrale of Paris, located in the middle of the river on the Ile de la Cité (Island of the City). According to my History of Paris professor, it is one of the greatest examples of Gothic architecture (soaring ceilings, those buttress things, amazing stained-glass windows). The organ is amazing too, Nico and I went to a concert Wednesday night where I was completely astounded by the sheer force of sound released by those pipes. Incroyable.

Me being a dope next to a pretty Parisian lamppost. Big whup, I know.

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous Louvre after dark. One of our first nights in Paris, the rest of the group and I went to this amazing palace to get to know each other and, how to say, s'amuser a little. We then proceeded to spend 3 awesome afternoons in the museum studying Neoclassic and Romantic art. Fabuleux.

And finally, my group! The fabulous students of Sweet Briar College Paris Summer Program 2010. Here we are walking down an adorable Parisian street (actually I'm not in it because I was taking the photo.)

Oh and one more thing I have to admit - I have shopped. Yes, I couldn't resist, French fashion is just too awesome and too accessible. Surprisingly, I was able to find quite a few good deals in some of the smaller stores in Paris. I picked up a sharp blazer and some classic tops - nothing like classic chic Parisian fashion - on a budget! I call it a study of French culture like any other aspect, and what better way to learn than to imitate, no?

And with that, à demain!


  1. Why are you the cutest person ever? I love that photo of you being a "dope" next to the lamp post. You seem like you are having a WONDERFUL time in Paris, eating plenty and seeing so many wonderful things. I love you, have fun baby! <3

  2. I came to comment on this and then realized I already had. I'm just so excited that I'm rereading your blog posts and getting excited about different things.

    Basically the take away this time was:

    1. please splurge on some big purchase that's gorgeous, classic french and way out of your budget. and then proceed to wear it to lunch in America.

    2. I want to see your other finds!

    3. if you see the most AMAZING pair of earrings, buy them for me and I'll pay you back. I swear to gosh. (and, no, I'm not asking for handouts--if you try to let me not pay for them, you are in for a big surprise. I am very good at giving money away) (for references, call my father)

    okay, love you!

    <3 s
