Monday, June 25, 2007

I have Arrived

Its not hot. Yet. Surprisingly, there was a little breeze blowing as I left the airport with于飞姑姑. Granted, it was around ten thirty at that time and there had just been a thunderstorm before we landed. But I take it as a good sign that my first hour or so in Beijing hasn’t been infernal. However, I won’t get my hopes up for this cool to continue; 姑姑says tomorrow is going to be hot hot hot.
I have to say it: flying sucks. I’d complain more but every time I start in my mind I think of those poor tall people who are even more cramped than I in the tiny economy seats. I was pretty lucky this time too; Northwest seats give, I think, just a tad bit more leg room than China Air, and food just a tad bit better as well. They gave us a menu at the beginning of the flight outlining the whole meal plan. Better to give us time to mull the choices over (chicken or beef? OJ or water?) than to spring it on us and watch us stutter as we try to choose the lesser of the two evils. Anyways, let me just say that the only good thing about flying is the movie-watching. Honestly, when else would one get the chance to watch movies on end for free and without interruption (except the intercom announcements in three languages that always last at least five minutes)? Catch and Release, Zodiac, Driving Miss Daisy, some of The Bodyguard. I’m all movied-out at the moment but I’m sure that in eight weeks, on my flight home, I will be completely ready for another 11 hour move marathon.
Happily, I don’t have to wake up until nine or ten tomorrow morning but somehow I have a feeling I’ll be up much earlier, and not voluntarily. But maybe I’ll make the best of this jetlag thing and enjoy the crisp morning air before it gets all muggy and hot. There won’t be much of it for me this summer.
Tomorrow 姑姑and 姑丈are going to take me into the radio station and I’ll get all set up there. Have to remember to thank 姑姑for the mosquito netting; have a feeling it will be a lifesaver.
So much for today. May tomorrow bring new sights and new people, and may I remember to write them all down before I forget. Later

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